Wednesday, 31 August 2011

Bucks Pottery & Sculpture Society and Five Women Artists // August 2011

Bucks Pottery and Sculpture Society joined with Five Women Artists to present a wonderful show of mixed media and creative explorations. The exhibition was another exciting and innovative show for us at Aim Gallery. There was something for everyone with fine ceramics and an engaging range of artworks by the Five Women who have formed a self-supportive circle for the past two years.

Friday, 26 August 2011

Queens Court Arts Market // August 2011

We recently partook in an arts market held in Queens Court in thecentre:mk. As we were thankfully spared the rain, it proved an enjoyable and successful day, selling pieces and cards for our represented artists and spreading word of the Gallery and its aims. As well as sampling the homemade cakes on sale on other stalls, we had the opportunity to mingle with and explore the works of artists with stalls of their own, all in all a great day.